Maltese Baguettes


Maltese Baguettes

Mixing time 20-25 minutes
Total rising time is 2 hours (20mins,40mins,1h)
Baking time is 20-22 minutes


350ml water
1 teaspoon instant yeast
475g-500g flour (depends if it’s still sticky)
* 1 1/2 teaspoon salt
Some oil for greasing bowl


1. In a stand mixer, mix the yeast & water. Leave it for around 15 minutes (till it foams).
2. Now add in 420g of flour & salt and mix them. Leave it to stand for 15-20 minutes. Attach a dough hook. Mix for 10 minutes. Keep adding flour if it’s still sticky, until a soft dough forms, we used around 475-500g of flour in total (we started with 420g before the 20 minutes and when it was mixing with the dough hook we added the remaining). Leave it mixing on medium to high for 5-10 minutes.
3. In a bowl (you can use the same one) put oil around the edges and leave it rise for 40 minutes.
4. Next step is to get the dough out and roll it out into a rectangle & fold edges to each other (2 then 2 (into another rectangle)) Pop it back into the bowl for 1 hour to rise. Oven must be at 240 degrees.
5. Spread flour on the table and cut your dough into 3 pieces to make 3 baguettes.
6. Open each piece into a rectangle by poking your fingers into it. Then start turning it it into itself to form a roll, then close the edges with your palm (so it gets stuck).
7. Next cut semi deep diagonal lines into the baguette & pop into the oven for 20 minutes! Enjoy❤️

Jukes Delights

Jukes Delights

We are Julia & Luke and we’re from Malta. We started a food blog on Instagram in March 2020 to have a journal of our food creations during covid-19 quarantine. Since then we’ve grown and our blog does not only include recipes but also honest reviews of local restaurants & giveaways for our local followers!

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