Curly Whirlies with Red Sauce & chicken pieces


🍝🥫Curly Whirlies with Red Sauce & chicken pieces🍝🥫

Total time: 30 minutes


2 tbsps oil
1 tsp garlic granules
1 tin of polpa
1 tbspn kunserva
2 tsp yeast
100g chicken pieces
Pinch of salt & pepper


1. Place oil and garlic in a microwaveable covered dish in the microwave for a minute.
2. Then I add a tin of polpa, some salt& pepper, a spoon of Kunserva, add some water and mix.
3. Place it in the microwave for 5 minutes. (This is done while the pasta is getting ready).
4. Cut the chicken into small pieces, mix the red sauce, pasta & chicken in a dish, mix in some mozzarella, place some breadcrumbs on the top.
5. Place in the oven until the top is crispy.

There you have a quick & tasty dish! 🤤🍝

Jukes Delights

Jukes Delights

We are Julia & Luke and we’re from Malta. We started a food blog on Instagram in March 2020 to have a journal of our food creations during covid-19 quarantine. Since then we’ve grown and our blog does not only include recipes but also honest reviews of local restaurants & giveaways for our local followers!

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