


Total time: 90 minutes


1.5 cups warm water
1 table spoon salt
1 table spoon sugar
1 packet yeast
3 table spoons oil
4.5 cups flour
2/3 cup baking soda
2 eggs beaten


1. Preheat oven to 230 degrees.
2. Mix water, salt and sugar in a bowl until combined. Add yeast and let it rest for 5mins until yeast foams.
3. Add flour and 2 table spoons oil and mix thoroughly until dough forms. Remove dough and use remaining oil to cover the bowl.
4. Cover bowl in plastic film and leave to rest for 1hr.
5. Cut dough into strips and roll them out into ropes twisting the two ends to form a pretzel shape.
6. Add baking soda to a large pot of water and bring to a boil. Boil each pretzel for 30seconds per side.
7. Transfer pretzels tobaking sheet, brush with egg wash and sprinkle with salt.
8. Bake for 10-15mins until golden brown.

Jukes Delights

Jukes Delights

We are Julia & Luke and we’re from Malta. We started a food blog on Instagram in March 2020 to have a journal of our food creations during covid-19 quarantine. Since then we’ve grown and our blog does not only include recipes but also honest reviews of local restaurants & giveaways for our local followers!

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