Rabbit Stew

Traditional Rabbit Stew


🍝Rabbit Stew 🍝

Total time: 90 minutes


1 rabbit (skinned & cut into various pieces)
2 cups water
2 cups red wine
2 onions
3 garlic cloves
7 bay leaves
1 can tomato polpa (400g)
3 tbsp olive oil
Pinch of salt & pepper


1. Start off by finely shopping the onions. Next peel and crush the garlic cloves.
2. Place the wine, garlic and bay leaves in a casserole. Marinate the rabbit in this mixture for around an hour.
3. Remove the rabbit joints while gently removing any excess liquid. Then, heat the olive oil in another casserole and then sear the rabit on each side until each piece becomes slightly . This should take roughly around 3-5 minutes.
4. Set aside the rabbit joints and lower the heat before adding in the onion and bay leaves. Leave the onion under the heat for another 5 minutes until it starts to caramelise. Now, add the garlic and fry for 2 minutes.
5. Add the tomato polpa and increase the heat for around 5 minutes while stirring. Add in the marinade and bring the sauce to a boil.
6. Place the rabbit pieces back into the pan and top it up with water until the sauce just covers thee rabbit. Cover until the sauce reaches a boil, upon which the heat should be reduced to simmer the sauce.
7. The rabbit sauce can be used with pasta to make a delicious starter which makes you crave for the main course. 8. As a main course, serve the rabbit along with its sauce, french fries or roast potatoes and any salad or roast vegetables of your choice (we recommend roasted carrots in the winter and a fresh salad in summer)

Rabbit Stew

Rabbit Stew

Jukes Delights

Jukes Delights

We are Julia & Luke and we’re from Malta. We started a food blog on Instagram in March 2020 to have a journal of our food creations during covid-19 quarantine. Since then we’ve grown and our blog does not only include recipes but also honest reviews of local restaurants & giveaways for our local followers!

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