Creamy Tomato Tortellini

Creamy Tomato Tortellini


🥫 Creamy Tomato Tortellini 🥫

4 Servings
Total time: 30 minutes


🍝 Tortellini of your choice (portions vary according to your liking)
🥫500ml Tomato Sauce (we made it from scratch)
🧂1/2 tsp salt & 1/2 tsp pepper
💚 1/2 tsp Basil
🧄 1 tsp garlic powder
🥄 2 tbsp flour
🥛100 milk (can opt for lactose free)
🍶2-3 tbsp cream (can use lactose free)
🧀 2-3 tbsp grated cheese/Grana padano


1. Start cooking the tortellini. In a pot start warming the tomato sauce, add in the salt, pepper, garlic & basil and leave till it starts to simmer (around 5-10 minutes).
2. In another bowl blend the milk, cream and flour for around 30 seconds & add into the pot with the tomato sauce mix.
3. Mix in the Grana padano & then pop the tortellini in, mix & Enjoy!🍴

Jukes Delights

Jukes Delights

We are Julia & Luke and we’re from Malta. We started a food blog on Instagram in March 2020 to have a journal of our food creations during covid-19 quarantine. Since then we’ve grown and our blog does not only include recipes but also honest reviews of local restaurants & giveaways for our local followers!

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